86 results found
News: 25-06-2021
National security test for investments, mergers and acquisitions
The Netherlands government wants to introduce a security test for investments, mergers and takeovers that may pose a risk to national security. The Cabinet has approved the Investment, Mergers and Acquisitions (Security Test) Act (vifo) by Minister Blok of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and Minister Grapperhaus of Justice and Security.
Industry News
News: 21-06-2021
New NL-DPAS increases possibilities to work for US departments of defense
Supplying industrial products, materials and services to the U.S. Department of Defense (and its affiliated defense industry) will become easier. This is accomplished on the basis of the new Defense Priorities and Allocations System (NL-DPAS). The Ministries of Defense, Economic Affairs and Climate Change and the Netherlands Defence and Security Industry signed the agreement on june 16th.
News: 16-06-2021
Ron Nulkes reappointed to ASD board
The General Assembly of ASD (the European industry association for aerospace, defense and security industries) has appointed Ron Nulkes, director of NIDV, to its board for a period of two years. ASD actively contributes to the development of competition of these sectors.
News: 03-06-2021
Damen Shipyards Galati lays keel of Combat Support Ship
On the 2nd of June Damen Shipyards Galati has performed the keel-laying ceremony on the Combat Support Ship (CSS) Den Helder. This marks an important milestone in the construction of this new supply ship for the Royal Netherlands Navy. The keel laying ceremony was performed by the Director Defence Material Organisation (DMO), vice admiral Arie Jan de Waard and vice admiral Rob Kramer, Commander Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN).
Industry News
News: 11-05-2021
GKN Aerospace and Honeywell sign license and part supply agreement for F-35
GKN Fokker and Honeywell have signed a license and parts supply agreement for an authorized service center for Honeywell’s wheels and brakes on the F-35 military fighter jet. In 2016, GKN Aerospace’s Fokker Landing Gear was chosen by the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) to maintain and service landing gear components for the European F-35 fleet.
Industry News
News: 21-04-2021
Benelux – European Defence Fund Industry Day 2021: where three “small” countries can be big
In a webinar on April 21, companies from the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, explored the collaboration for EDF projects in eight B2B sessions. There were more than 150 participants.
News: 16-04-2021
Damen readies HNLMS Evertsen for voyage to Japan
After a six-week period of maintenance, Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam has this week handed the HNLMS Evertsen back to the Royal Netherlands Navy. The shipyard worked hard – together with its Dutch suppliers – to prepare the Air Defence and Command frigate for deployment on, among other things, the voyage of nearly 40,000 kilometres that she will soon be making to Japan together with the UK Carrier Strike Group.
Industry News
News: 16-04-2021
South Korean Defence Attaché visits Nedinsco
On April 14th, we welcomed Kolonel Yongsun Kim, Defence Attaché of the Republic of South Korea. He visited Nedinsco in Venlo together with Mr. Peter Huis in ’t Veld from the NIDV. We discussed several business opportunity’s for the future and were able to demonstrate our high precision optronic product for the defence industry. This is the start of a brand new and hopefully long and fruitful relationship between South Korea and the Netherlands.
Industry News