As previously communicated by EDA, the Agency outsourced in 2020 an EDA Study on the Impact of (other than REACH and CLP) European Chemicals/Waste Regulations on the defence sector, covering six pieces of EU chemicals and waste legislation (BPR, POPs, Ozone, F-gas, RoHS, revised WFD/SCIP database).

As part of the study, a broad consultation was carried out with key stakeholders, including EDA participating Member States (pMS) and Norway Ministries of Defence (MoDs), the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Member States’ Competent Authorities, and EU defence industry stakeholders, including the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) as well as National Defence Industry Associations (NDIAs).

Please be informed that the mentioned study was recently concluded and the Agency has published related EDA webnews in the EDA website, for stakeholder’s information, publishing also the study final report (full version, Executive Summary) which reflects the outcome of the impact analysis conducted and relevant recommendations submitted by the contractor.

The study has concluded that in addition to the REACH and CLP regulations, at least six other pieces of chemicals and waste legislation (BPR, POPs, Ozone, F-gas, RoHS, revised WFD/SCIP database), explored by the study, may impact defence stakeholders, and need to be closely monitored.

EDA will now, together with its participating Member States (pMS) and in consultation with relevant stakeholders, further assess the study outcome/final report. Based on this assessment, specific EDA activities will be identified/initiated to support EDA pMS in mitigating the impact of the six pieces of EU chemicals and waste legislation explored by the study.

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